Trusted and recommended since 1979
Individuals – Couples – Families – Children – Groups
Religion & Spirituality in Therapy:
Clinical & Ethical Guidelines
Taught by Debra Manchester, LCSW
Available for Self-Study
$75 | 3 CE credits
Click here for workshop details!
Our approach at FTI is:
- Positive… building on the strengths of each client
- Brief and cost-effective…providing feedback and individualized prescriptions for change
- Practical… teaching healthy ways to communicate, manage emotions, let go of the past, problem-solve, and get along with others
- Supportive… aiding families in periods of transition, illness, loss, or crisis
- Preventative… placing value on dealing with difficult issues before they become overwhelming problems
- Integrative… addressing personal, interpersonal, and spiritual issues that face clients on physical, emotional, intellectual and philosophical levels
- Community-oriented… working in close cooperation with schools, physicians, social services, and other professionals
- Research-based… integrating the latest scientific and clinical research into treatment
Who we can help: It may come as a surprise, but the Institute sees many healthy individuals who want outside professional guidance before severe problems occur in their family. An ounce of prevention can save many months of suffering!
Other common referrals include:
Children with symptoms of depression, anxiety, disruptive behavior, psychosomatic disorders, poor academic performance, attendance problems, unrealistic fears
Adolescents exhibiting uncontrollable behavior, substance abuse, eating disorders, school related problems, social isolation, depression, anxiety or relationship problems
Couples who are withdrawn from one another, experiencing communication, intimacy or sexual problems, verbally or physically abusive, persistently angry, guilt ridden or depressed, or wanting pre-marital assessment
Families who are having trouble communicating or who are going through difficult transitions such as divorce or separation, remarriage or joining of two families, the loss or illness of a family member
Individuals who are interested in methods to overcome unwanted behavior patterns, who wish to explore the current impact of past events and relationships, or who are seeking growth and enrichment of their lives
Schedule an Appointment
FTI is Proud to Sponsor:
A FREE Webinar for Parents of 3 to 10-Year-Olds and Many More Resources.
Click here for information and registration.
Additional Home-Study Opti0ns for Therapists
Earn your mandatory CEs from the comfort of your home.
Click here to see other trainings available for home-study.
Psychedelics & Cutting-Edge Therapies:
The Ethics & Clinical Implications of Treatment & Referrals
Taught by Debra Manchester LCSW (LR9847)
Now available for home study with an excellent recording.
3 CE Credits for LMFTs and LCSWs
Click here for workshop details!
Click here for more info and for coursework.
To register email