The Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara
(CAMFT CE Provider #128307)
Integrative and Innovative Strategies for Helping Kids Overcome Anxiety
Taught by Don MacMannis, Ph.D. (PSY6727)
Home-Study Option:
3 CEU’s | $60
To register email, or call (805) 882-2424 ext. 111

This course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for LMFT’s, LCSW’s, LPCCs, LEPs and RNs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
The Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFT’s, LCSW’s, LPCCs, and LEPs. Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

Don MacMannis, Ph.D. is a psychologist and Clinical Director of Family Therapy Institute, now in its 39th year. He has specialized in the treatment of children and families for over forty years. Recently winning the title of “Best Family Therapist” in a poll taken by, he’s co-author of two highly acclaimed books: How’s Your Family Really Doing? 10 Keys to a Happy Loving Family, and Who’s the Boss? The Win-Win Way to Parent Your Defiant Strong-Willed Child. His online course, Parenting Spirited, Strong-Willed Kids, has been attended by parents worldwide, and his award-winning Happy Kids Songs have been used extensively in homes and schools to boost kids’ social and emotional skills.
Course Content, Educational Goals and Learning Objectives
There has been a recent and dramatic increase in the number of children who suffer from various forms of anxiety. This course is designed for clinicians wanting to learn and apply innovative and effective tools to help families with kids who suffer primarily from fears, phobias and PTSD.
Through a slide presentation, hands-on activities, demonstrations and numerous examples from videotaped sessions, the course will uncover the variety of factors that can contribute to anxiety. Moving beyond fundamentals of CBT, the group will focus on how ton integrate and custom-tailor treatment methods, drawing form a variety of theoretical models. In a final segment of the workshop, Debra Manchester will review strategies related and special issues related to the treatment of teens.
Educational Goals:
The goals of this course are the following:
- To teach therpaists to learn and apply innovative and effective tools to help families with kids and teens who suffer primarily from fears, phobias and PTSD.
- To give clinicians a framework for a comprehensive assessment of anxiety symptoms and their origins.
- Moving beyond the fundamentals of a cognitive-behavioral approach, to help therapists learn how to intervene clinically and sequence procedures in order of priority.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to:
- Name four factors that contribute to childhood anxiety.
- Describe four factors that can contribute to anxiety in teens.
- List two findings from recent brain research that apply to treatment.
- Describe five steps for helping kids overcome habits of negative thinking.
- Name three effective methods of desensitization for children suffering from PTSD.
- Name four methods of teaching parents how to lower levels of negative emotion.
Course Schedule:
8:30am: Registration
9:15am: Assessment of family, social, emotional, cognitive, and trauma-related issues
9:35am: Video examples and hands-on strategies for desensitization and fear reduction
9:50am: Alternative treatment strategies related to feelings expression
10:15am: 15-minute break
10:30am: Video examples of family therapy and integration
11:15am: Focus on teens with Debra Manchester
11:45am: Synthesis, Group Discussion and Q & A
12pm: Class ends
Target Audience
The target audience is licensed clinical professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists, LMFT’s, LCSW’s, LPCC’s, LEP’s, RN’s, and registered interns.
Course Completion Certificates
CEU certificates will be awarded at the end of the workshop after the submission of a completed course evaluation form. Partial credit CEU certificates will not be awarded. If an attendee leaves before the end of the workshop or without completing a course evaluation form, they forfeit their CE credits.
Cancellation Policy:
The registration fee, less $15 process charge, will refunded if written notice of the cancellation is faxed, emailed or postmarked 1 week prior to the workshop. Thereafter there will be no refunds. Refunds will be reimbursed via check within 5 business days of written notice.
Requesting Accommodations for Disability:
Facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have a special need and plan to attend the workshop, please contact Nancy Villalobos, Administrator, or Debra Manchester, our Executive Director at (805) 882-2400 or via email at Please allow as much advance notice as is possible to ensure we have ample opportunity to meet your needs.
Instruction for Addressing Grievances:
Participants can lodge complaints directly to the Program Coordinator or any of the FTI staff. FTI staff will be identified by name badges and the Program Coordinator or FTI staff designee introduces the speaker and explains the CEU process to the attendees. Complaints can also be written on the evaluation forms, sent via email ( to the Program Coordinator or administrative assistant. They will be followed up within ten business days. Grievances can include, but are not limited to the following:
- Refund requests
- Complaints about course content
- Complaints about facilities